Consecration to Jesus Through St. Joseph
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Our families of origin are the places in which we are meant to be taught how to love, both ourselves and others. However, because they are imperfect humans, our parents’ imperfections turn into our own miseducation in love.
Thankfully, the parents of Jesus - Saint Joseph and Our Lady - can help us heal from these wounds incurred by our families.
In this 44-day preparation for Consecration, written by Jen Settle of the Theology of the Body Institute and Catholic clinical psychologist Dr. Greg Bottaro, you’ll explore the psychological dimensions of family life and human formation through the lens of the Holy Family to help you receive healing in their School of Love.
Includes prompts for self-reflection and lined pages to journal your responses!
“Saint Joseph has incredible power to transform your life if you let him. You are worth it.” -Dr. Greg Bottaro
“I had no idea that St. Joseph would play such a pivotal role in my journey toward healing and how he would become a real father to me. Our Lady and St. Joseph helped me to understand my identity as a beloved daughter of the Father through their parental love for me.” – Jen Settle, co-author
NEW: Grab a copy of the book, then download this free guide to use the book as a book-study Novena!